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Aesthetic Rehabilitation of Primary Anterior Teeth using Different Approaches: A Case Series

Priyam Chaturvedi, Neha Dubey, Alok Singh, Pallavi Pandey, Vinay Umale, Rohit Kulshrestha


One of the challenges faced by Pedodontists is the successful aesthetic rehabilitation preschool children who have advanced carious lesions. Importance given to oral health care in preschool children is absent in most of the developing and underdeveloped countries. Early loss of primary teeth causes pain, discomfort, and functional disturbances. It alters the quality of life of patients and their parents. It hampers the cognitive development of the child because of decreased their masticatory efficiency. It is problematic for speech, development of abnormal oral habits like tongue thrusting mouth breathing may be seen; hence, it increases the chances of development of orthodontic problems. Early oral health care of child helps in betterment of esthetics as well as functional efficiency. It increases the masticatory efficiency of the patient. An acceptable treatment approach for early childhood caries in the past may not necessarily be the best treatment option for our young patients today. Technological advances in dental materials and the approach to their use needs to be considered. The introduction of new adhesive systems, restorative materials, and the approach towards treating these teeth has yielded convincing results in the past. Aim of this case series is to highlight new techniques used to aesthetically restore primary anterior teeth.


Keywords: Anterior aesthetics, Primary incisors, Post and core

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Priyam Chaturvedi, Neha Dubey, Alok Singh et al. Aesthetic Rehabilitation of Primary Anterior Teeth using Different Approaches: A Case Series. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Dentistry. 2019; 10(1): 8–13p.


Anterior aesthetics, Primary incisors, Post and core

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