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Oral Manifestations of Haematological Disorders (RBC Disorders)

Dr Shoborose Tantray, Dr Seema Sharma


Haematological abnormalities are diverse in nature, in its causation as well as in its clinical manifestations, most ofwhich are exhibitedin the oral cavity. In fact,the oral site in many instances could act as the forerunner of itsmanifestations before the expression of systemic signs and symptoms. The symptoms of haematological disorders are sovaried and nonspecific but often represent the initial sign of an underlying disease. Anaemic disorders are associated with orofacial signs and symptoms including iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), Plummer–Vinson syndrome (PVS), megaloblastic anaemia, sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia and aplastic anaemia. The manifestations include conjunctiva and facial pallor, atrophic glossitis, angular stomatitis, dysphagia, magenta tongue, midfacial overgrowth, osteosclerosis, osteomyelitis and paraesthesia/anesthesia of the mental nerve. Orofacialpetechiae, conjunctival haemorrhage, nose-bleeding, spontaneous and post-traumatic gingival haemorrhage and prolonged post-extraction bleeding are common orofacialmanifestations.These manifestations must beproperly recognized to detect the abnormality in the early stages.This paper was aimed to review the literature and identify orofacial manifestations of haematological diseases, with particular reference to anaemia’s.


Keywords: anaemia, haematological disorders, glossitis, oral manifestations, pallor mucosa


Cite this Article

Shoborose Tantray, Seema Sharma. Oral Manifestations of Haematological Disorders (RBC Disorders). Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology. 2020; 9(1): 18–22p.

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