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Unani Concept of Tadarrun-e-Revi (Pulmonary Tuberculosis): A Review

Shaikh Umair, Mohd. Irfan, Ejaz Shaikh, Rehan Safee


In Unani system of medicine, pulmonary tuberculosis is known as Tadarrun-e-Revi. Unani physicians also called it Diq or humma-e-diq or tap-e-diq. The ulcer which is formed in lungs due to tuberculosis is called sil. The word Diq means thinness or debility. In Diq, the increased temperature of body destroys the body fluid, because of which, the body of affected person becomes thin and dry. Hence the disease is called Humma-e-diq. The causes of Diq may be classified into two groups according to Najeebuddin Samarqandi and Akbar Arzani, Asbabe Sabiqa (Intrinsic or Internal causes) and Asbabe Badiya (Extrinsic cause or External causes): Asbabe Sabiqa or internal causes are related to Akhlat (Humours), Mizaj (Temperament) and Tarkeebe Uzwi (constitution of organs). Asbabe Badiya or causes. According to Unani system of medicine, the principles of treatment of Diq are: Tajfeefqarha (desiccation of ulcer), Iltiham (healing of ulcer), Tanfeethwatagriya (expectoration and lubrication), Tanqiya (cleansing the wound), strengthening of stomach and diet.


Keywords: Tadarrun-e-Revi, causes, management

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Shaikh Umair, Mohd. Irfan, Ejaz Shaikh et al. Unani Concept of Tadarrun-e-Revi (Pulmonary Tuberculosis): A Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2018; 5(2):

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