Concept of Type-2 Diabetes mellitus (Ziabetus shakri) in Unani System of Medicine
The term diabetes mellitus (DM) describes a metabolic disorder of multiple aetiology, characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia with disturbance of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism; resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. If the disease condition is left untreated, it causes many complications. It currently affects more than 62 million Indians, which is more than 7.1% of the adult population. Nearly 1 million Indians die due to diabetes and its complication every year. DM is not a new disease, ancient Greeks and Arabic physicians knew it well. According to the Unani System of Medicine (USM), the cause of DM, are sue-e mizaj wa zaufe of kulliya, masana and jigar. The treatment of DM in conventional system of medicine causes side effects due to constant intake. In USM there are a number of herbal drugs available known to have hypoglycaemic effects and some drugs rejuvenates pancreatic cells to secret insulin. In the present paper we have discussed the concept of DM in USM and plant origin single drugs which can be used in treatment of DM. The detail will be discussed in full length of the paper.
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