A Conceptual Study of Alochak pitta on Ayurvedic and Modern Parameter
Ayurveda is the ancient medical documented science. Besides the medicine, we have a special principle which other pathies are lacking that is, Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam. Swasthya is a state when an individual is in a state of combination of hormony of three doshas, proper normal functioning of the thirteen types of agnis (digestion and metabolism), the seven dhatus and three malas and person should be in the state of sensorial, mental, emotional and spiritual well being, finally a clear and bright state of mind body and soul. Doshas, dhatus, malas, srotus and agni etc are basic fundamentals of our classical science. In Ayurveda, pitta is representative of agni (digestive power) in the body. As in the outer world, fire burns or transforms the substances to different specific forms. Likewise pitta changes food taken and rasadhatu into some nutrition terms, by using which rest of the dhatus get nutrition. Similarly Sun and fire are responsible for different colours and visual functions. These functions are done by pitta in the body. Therefore, a conceptual study of alochak pitta on Ayurvedic and modern parameter was explained in the present article.
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