A Comparative Study of Pittaja Prakriti Purusha
Ayurveda is the science of life and its main aim is to maintain healthy status of healthy living being that is, prevention and treatment of disease. To fulfil these purposes, Ayurveda has mentioned various fundamental principles. Concept of ‘Prakriti’ explained in Ayurvedic texts is one among them. The term ‘Prakriti’ is being used as a fundamental constitution of a person, personality swabhāva or nature of the individual, which covers the physical, mental, social and spiritual aspects of life. The healing science of Ayurveda is based totally upon the knowledge of prakriti. So it is very essential for every individual to know his own prakriti to determine his own diet and lifestyle, which will leads towards a more balanced and meaningful life and to prescribe specific therapeutic solution to health-related problem also. In context to the present article entitled “A Comparative study of Pittaja Prakriti Purusha”. I am explaining the characteristics of pitta prakriti purusha in detail.
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