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Bhumi pariksha of Ayurveda classics in the purview of Soil science.

AKHIL C, Asit. K. Panja, Nisha gupta, Disha Anil Raut


Medicinal plants are the essential element for Ayurveda as it utilizes mainly herbal-based medicines. Ayurveda faces the challenge to ensure the quality and safety of Ayurveda medicines in this era of extreme pollution. Ayurveda treatises explain Bhumi pariksha or soil examination as the preliminary procedure in the cultivation of medicinal plants. Ayurveda as an ancient medical system lacks the more scientific methods in its primitive form of soil examination. Hence, it is relevant to integrate contemporary science like soil science with traditional Ayurveda knowledge. The objective of the study is to check the bhumi pariksha of Ayurveda is compatible with contemporary soil science. The facts related to bhumi pariksha from Ayurveda has collected and analyzed in the purview of contemporary soil science. It has been found that bhumi pariksha in Ayurveda is conceptually comparable and compatible with soil science. Hence, it is possible to prove the facts in the bhumi pariksha of Ayurveda with the help of soil science. The integration is possible which can make an easy path for Ayurveda towards globalization.


bhumi pariksha, Herbal medicine, cultivation, Soil science, medicinal plant

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