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Managing Infertility with Panchakarma— A Case Study of Anovulation Associated with Endometriotic Cysts

Rupali Purohit, Arvind Gupta, Poonam Khot, Vandana .


Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. In any community, about 5–15% of couples who are of reproductive age have suffer from infertility. A 29-years-old female patient of 29 yrs. old of primary infertility with Pitta Pradhana Vata Prakruti was diagnosed as Anovulation along with Grade- 4 Endometriosis. In Ayurveda, it can be correlated to Bandhya with Vataja yoni vyapad. From detailed history, involvement of vitiated Vata and Kapha, Agnimandhya and stressful mind was noted. She was treated with the three-step treatment along with the Pathyakar ahara and vihara. In the first month, she was treated with Udvartana and Shirodhara followed by the Virechana with Trivritta Avleha. In the second month, she was treated with Erandamuladi Niruha Basti in the form of Yoga Basti. In the third month, she was treated with Uttar Basti followed by the Yoni pichu for three3 days. Aims & Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of Panchakarma modalities in the management of pPrimary iInfertility due to aAnovulation along with eEndometriotic cysts. Materials & Methods: It wais the single arm, open- labelled case study of the 29 years old subject of 29 yrs. age with pPrimary iInfertility along with aAnovulation and e& Endometriosis who has been treated with different Panchakarma modalities. Observation & Result: The follicular monitoring showed the rupture of dominant follicles. Also, the Ultrasound report showed the decrease in the size of lLeft eEndometriotic cyst with tremendous symptomatically relief in Adhodarashula (lLower abdominal pain) and Kashtartava (pPain during menstruation). Conclusion: The selected treatment wais found to be very effective in the management of aAnovulation with eEndometriosis.

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