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A Classical Drug Review, Pharmacognostical and Physicochemical Analysis on Madhupipplyadi Yoga

Deepak Kumar, D. B. Vaghela


The drugs of Madhupipplyadi Yoga are Tridosha Shamaka properties with Vranashodhana, Vranaropana, as well as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cleaning and wound healing properties. The goal of the current study was to examine the pharmacognostical, physiochemical, and detailed drug review of Madhupipplyadi Yoga as well as to verify the authenticity of the drugs used in the preparation. All Ayurvedic texts, data from web-based search engines, and journal articles were used in the systematic search for pertinent drug reviews. According to standard Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India procedures, the detailed powder microscopy, physicochemical analysis, and high-performance thin layer chromatography studies were carried out. Microscopic characteristics of Madhupipplyadi Yoga powder showed the presence of epic cells, oil globule, oleoresin, stone cell and prismatic crystal. The result of loss on drying, total ash, water, methanol-soluble extractive and pH values were about 6.3%w/w, 11.6%w/w, 12.5%w/w, 10.35%w/w, and 6.5, respectively. At both short (254 nm) and long (366 nm) ultraviolet rays, the high-performance thin layer chromatography study found seven and six spots, respectively. The outcomes of pharmacognostical, physicochemical, and high-performance thin layer chromatography studies may be used as a diagnostic tool to identify and authenticate Madhupipplyadi Yoga and to uphold its quality, strength, purity, and effectiveness.

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