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Attitude of Senior Nurses Regarding Trainee Nurses Involvement in Quality Health Care Service

Sasmita Das, Suman Prabha Singh Deo, Renulata Das, Smitarani Nayak, Sonam Debnath


It has long been recognized that a dynamic relationship exists between the patient and the quality of care provided. “Assessing the Attitude of Staff Nurse Regarding Nursing Student Involvement in Quality Health Care Service in IMS&SUM Hospital” The aim of the study to assess the attitude of staff nurses towards nursing student involvement in quality health care service. Total no of sample taken are 100 samples. The samples used in the study met the inclusion criteria. A self-structured socio-demographic Performa was used to collect socio-demographic data, and a self-structured five point Likert scale was used to assess staff nurses' attitudes. The finding of the study revealed that ‘t’ value is 0.00, 0.01, 0.00 for ICU, General ward and Causality and the ‘p’ value is ≤ 0.05. The result of the present study concluded there is no difference in mean attitude among the three groups. The study was limited to only certain selected hospital of Bhubaneswar who was available at the time of data collection. The findings have ramifications for nursing education, practise, and research. A larger sample of different groups of samples from different departments of the hospital can be studied further.


Attitude, Staff nurses, Nursing student, Quality Health Care Services, socio- demographic

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