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A Study to Assess the Effect of Planned Preoperative Nursing Instructional Package on Short Term Postoperative Outcome and Selected Postoperative Behaviours Among Patients Undergoing Hysterectomy in a Selected Hospitals, Kottayam

Sunitha K., Anila C. Eapen


The study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of planned preoperative nursing instructional package on short term postoperative outcome and selected postoperative behaviours among patients undergoing hysterectomy. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effect of planned preoperative nursing instructional package on short term postoperative outcome and selected postoperative behaviours among patients undergoing hysterectomy and to find the association between short term postoperative outcome and selected postoperative behaviours with selected socio demographic and clinical variables. In this quasi experimental non- equivalent posttest only study, 60 women, who underwent hysterectomy in selected hospital, were selected using convenience sampling technique. Structured questionnaire, short term postoperative outcome proforma, self- reported practice checklist and standardized numerical pain rating scale were used to assess sociodemographic and clinical variables, short term postoperative outcome, postoperative behaviours and postoperative pain respectively. The research results indicated that there were notable disparities in postoperative outcomes between the experimental and control groups. These differences were evident in various aspects, including the need for additional analgesics (with an 80% discrepancy and a p-value of .029), the status of bowel elimination (which showed a 66.7% difference and a p-value of .001), and early ambulation (where the experimental group demonstrated a statistically significant advantage with a t-value of 4.591 and a p-value of .000) when compared to the control group. The mean pain score was constantly lower for the experimental group than control group on all 3 days (‘t’ value= 2.298, 3.912, 7.188). The mean score of selected postoperative behaviours was good in experimental group (‘t’ value= 11.396, p= 0.000). The study concluded that planned preoperative nursing instructional package on postoperative outcome and selected postoperative behaviors was more effective in improving short term postoperative outcome and behaviors.


Effect, preoperative nursing instructional package, short term postoperative outcome, selected postoperative behaviours, hysterectomy

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