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Langhana- A boon to mankind: A Review

Divya Aswal, Pretya Juyal, Pravesh Kumar, Parul Sharma


In present scenario of hush and rush of life, we forget to take care of our health taking it for granted. Main factors contributing to lifestyle disorders include filthy food habits, physical inactivity, and disturbed biological clock. All of this leads to poor health, decreased immunity leading to easy susceptibility to different diseases. Ayurveda is an old age practice of healing. It not only aims at the treatment of disease but also the maintenance of health of a healthy person as the Prayojana of Ayurveda itself is “Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aaturasya vikarprashmanam ch”. It can be achieved by Dhatusamya. Now a day’s not only India but western countries are also recognizing the importance of fasting. Langhana (complete fasting or light diet) plays major role in this by increasing the digestive fire and helps in digestion of Ama. It gives sufficient time to the body to complete the process of digestion. It is like load shedding in which new food is not introduced and digestive fire i.e, Agni gets sufficient time to digest Ama. It plays a major role in boosting immune system and longevity of life.

Keywords- Agni, Ama, Dhatusamya, Langhana, Mandagni

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Divya Aswal, Pretya Juyal, Pravesh Kumar, Parul Sharma. Langhana- A Boon to Mankind: A Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga & Naturopathy. 2020; 7(1): 1–6p.

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