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A Survey Study on Dietary Habits of School Going Children and its Impact on their General Health and Immunity

Dr. Miral Dobariya, Prof. K.S. Patel, Dr. V.K. Kori, Dr. Sagar Bhinde


Introduction: In recent years, children food habit has become a major source of concern. Not only the faulty diet but also irregular time of diet, quality of homemade and outside prepared food (restaurant and street food), packet food i.e. biscuits, chocolates, this type of food affects the digestion and seems to compromise the body’s immunity more in long term. Particular attention should be given by the parents for inaccurate food habits, aiming to correction of dietary habits. Objectives: To survey the impact of dietary habits on general health status and immunity of the school going children of Jamnagar city. Methods: Total 50 children were selected randomly for this study. A special Performa was prepared in which daily intake of diet and recurrent type of disease has been recorded. Observations and Results: This survey shows that children have dietary habit of packet (70%), biscuits (54%), faulty home diet (54%), and faulty outsider diet (60%) in their daily routine. Such dietary habits have relation with recurrence of cough and cold (70%), abdominal pain (16%), intestinal worm infestation (22%) and skin disease (20%) in school going children. Conclusion: This survey reveals that majority of children are taking unwholesome diet. Data shows positive relation between faulty diets and decreased immunity.

Keywords: Aharavidhi, Dietary habits, Immunity, Recurrent disease, Sadavruta

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Dr. Miral Dobariya, Prof. K.S. Patel, Dr. V.K. Kori, Dr. Sagar Bhinde. A Survey Study on Dietary Habits of School Going Children and its Impact on their General Health and Immunity. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga & Naturopathy. 2020; 7(1): 1–9p.


Aharavidhi, Dietary habits, Immunity, Recurrent disease

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