Management of Pakshaghat with Holistic Approach: Single Case Study
Globally, the incidence of noncommunicable diseases is on the rise, drawing attention for its prevention and treatment. The causes of Hemiplegia due to stroke can be studied under three categories i.e. ischemic (87%), haemorrhagic (13%). Hemiplegia is one among them, causing physical and mental instabilities.In the modern counterpart, Hemiplegia is the condition where we can find the similarities of Pakshaghat in terms of sign and symptoms. Pakshaghat is one among the Nanatmaja Vata Vikar. As the name denotes, the disease Pakshaghat refers to loss of functions of one part of the body. A 52 year-old male patient attended to the Panchakarma O.P.D. of Rishikul Campus, UAU, Haridwar with diagnosis of haemorrhagic stroke 15 days back. He had both motor and sensory impairments in the right half of the body. Patient was not ambulatory but, other vitals and higher functions are normal. Patient got admitted and Ayurvedic management (internal medicine and Panchakarma) was started. Total 45 days of treatment was given assessing the Samprapti of the Vyadhi. Motor, Sensory functions were improved gradually and other associated problems got relief. In the follow up, marked improvement was noticed both clinically and in radiological findings. This case study is a ray of hope in the management of post stroke complications in sub-acute, chronic conditions by Ayurvedic internal medicine along with Panchakarma.
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