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A clinical study on the effect of Jaluka and Ayurvedic formulations in Indralupta

Aparna Vyas


Hairfall is one of the leading problems the world is facing today. Alopecia represents as a smooth sharply demarcated round patch of hair loss. Acharya Sushruta stated Indralupta as kshudra roga. It is a Raktapradhoshaja vikarain which Pitta associated with Vata gets lodge in Roma kupa and  causes hair  fall,  later  on Kapha dosha associated with Rakta causes  obstruction  to  the  hair  roots  and restricts    the     regrowth of hair in that area.  Jalauka Avacharan (a shodhan modality) removes dushit Rakta with Tridosha from the site of bald patch, which is causing the avarodhajanya samprapti of Indralupta. Jaluka are effective in increasing blood circulation so will also help in regrowth of hair follicle. This case study is to evaluate the efficacy of jaluka along with Ayurvedic treatment in Indralupta. 42 years old married female was presented with complaint of patchy hair loss on scalp, with mild itching over affected area and gradual increment since 4 years. With these complaints the visited dermatology and cosmetology unit of Government Dhanwantari Ayurvedic College, Ujjain. Line of treatment adopted shows significant effect on the disease.


Indralupta, Alopecia areata, Kshudra Roga, Jalauka Avacharan, Raktapradoshaj vikara.

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