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Standardization of Rakta-Akika Bhasma and Pisthi: An Ayurvedic Formulation

Parth B. Chandak, Nirali K. Shah, Bharti Umretia, Darshan Parmar


Background: Standardization of the classically prepared medicines is a must apart from other organoleptic tests as mentioned in the ancient text. Rakta Akika Bhasma (RAB) and Pishti (RAP) is a traditional Ayurvedic preparation for Hridaroga (Cardiac disease), Shiroroga (headache due to vitiated Dosha), Kasa (cough), Raktaja Vikara (bleeding disorders) and many more. Aim: The present research work was conducted to analyze raw and processed Rakta Akika Bhasma and Pishti for quality assessment using classical and advanced sophisticated techniques. Method: Physicochemical parameters such as loss on drying, total Ash, acid insoluble Ash, water soluble Ash, pH value and sophisticated testing techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and Particle Size Analysis (PSA) were carried out for the samples of Ashodhita Rakta Akika (ARA), Shodhita Rakta Akika (SRA), Rakta Akika Bhasma (RAB) and Rakta Akika Pishti (RAP). Result: XRD suggested that all the samples are silicon dioxide (low quartz) and highly decreased particles size observed from SEM-EDAX study revealed that ARA and SRA contain Si, Fe and O while RAB and RAP contain Si, Al, O, Fe, Ca and the other elements. Mg is only found in RAB and K in RAB and RAP. PSA analysis revealed that RAB (272.1±19.92 nm) and RAP (42.73±2.309 nm) are having nano ranges particles. Conclusion: The present study of two samples is standardized by using modern sophisticated techniques like XRD, SEM-EDAX and PSA analysis which help to generate the quality assessment and standardization of such important medicine.


Rakta Akika Bhasma, Rakta Akika Pishti, quality assessment, standardization

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