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Review on Classical Antiquity of Uparatna: A Semiprecious Stone

Vivek K. Kamani, Bharti Umretia


Rasashastra has a prominent role in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics. It is a specialised branch of Ayurveda dealing mainly with materials which are known as ‘Rasa Dravya’. Rasa Dravyas are broadly classified into Rasa, Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharana Rasa, Dhatu, Ratna and Uparatna. Gems which are having qualities like precious, lustrous, transparency, eye catching properties not like Ratna but near to Ratna are called as Uparatnas or Kshudra Ratnas. Uparatnas are considered as semiprecious stones which haves been used in many ways. These ‘Uparatnas’ are easily available and less expensive as compared to “Ratnas”. In present scenario, Uparatnas or gems are considered as crystalline minerals that can be used as a distinct and advantageous remedial measure in astrology. In Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, Uparatnas are used mainly in the form of Bhasma and Pishti for therapeutic purpose. This study elaborately deals with Grahya Lakshana, Shodhana, Marana, Pishtikarana and Satvapatana of 10 types of Uparatnas mentioned as per the CCIM syllabus.


Rasashastra, Uparatna, Grahya Lakshana, Shodhana, Marana

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