A Study of Drowning Cases brought for Autopsy in GMCH Mortuary

Kan Bapu Choudhury, Arpan Mazumder


Drowning is defined as the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid; outcomes are classified as death, morbidity and no morbidity. Drowning is a violent asphyxial death, where air entry to lungs is prevented due to occupation of the lumen of respiratory tract with water or any fluid-media. Drowning is asphyxiation due to immersion in liquid. Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for 7% of all injury related deaths.Estimated rate 388,000 is the annual drowning deaths worldwide. China and India have particularly high drowning mortality rates and together contribute 43% of the world's drowning deaths and 41% of the total global DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) lost related to drowning.This study was conducted in the department of Forensic Medicine, Gauhati Medical College upon the cases brought for medico-legal autopsy during the period of 1st March 2016 to 28th Feb 2017. A total of 150 cases were randomly selected for the study.


Keywords: Drowning, autopsy, asphyxial death

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Kan Bapu Choudhury, Arpan Mazumder. A Study of Drowning Cases brought for Autopsy in GMCH Mortuary. Research & Reviews: Journal of Computational Biology. 2017; 6(3): 9–11p.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjocb.v6i3.175


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