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Molecular Evolution of Virulence Genes of Coronavirus: A Computational Study

Gyanendra kumar Gupta, Gagan devi


Corona Virus i.e., Covid 19 is consider as highly pathogenic and transmissible, which is responsible for emerging scenario of current pandemic disease. The family of this virus Coronaviridae, which affect respiratory system of human along with animal, and It is belived to be originated from bat. The homology of covid 19 is mix of SARA-CoV and MERS-CoV. The Single-stranded positive genomic RNA, which is coated by nucleocapsid protein is present in corona virus. The phenomenon of host radiation is influence by mutation of its any gene, such as HA, N, RdRP and So in case of COVID-19. In this article an attempt is made to study its genealogies based on differential gamma distribution rates, which were used for the analysis of null and alternate hypothesis. This study shows that RdRP gene had the fastest rate evolution followed by HA gene.


Corona virus, Covid 19, Corona viridae, RNA, SARA-CoV, MERS-CoV, RdRP.

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