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Prosthodontics Rehabilitation of a Completely Edentulous Patient with Customized Bar and Loop Supported Overdenture: A Clinical Report

Brajesh Dammani, Aparna Barabde, Komal Khond Warghane, Yogesh Ingole, Shriniwas Dharaskar, Umesh Walunj


Rehabilitation of the completely edentulous patient is still considered the most challenging job from the general dentist as well as from the prosthodontist point of view. As it is very difficult for the patient to get adapted to the complete denture after losing the natural teeth. Hence when the patient comes to the dentist with the complaint of inability to eat with present teeth and the operator diagnosed the case as most of the teeth will require extraction and some of the teeth can be saved, then the philosophy of the over dentures comes into picture. Here is the case presentation in which over denture is fabricated with the innovative idea of custom fabricated bar along with the customized loops which helps the patient in the proprioception as well as to perform the day to day functions in the appropriate manner.


Over denture, bar and loop, proprioception, total extraction, customized bar and loop

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