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A Review on Binge Eating Disorder in Youth with Diabetes Mellitus

Reenoo Jauhari, Sakshi Saini


The repetitive scenes of voraciously consuming food without normal compensatory conduct, for example, regurgitating or purgative maltreatment are portrayed as binge dietary issue. It is exceptionally regular in the fat gathering, yet it is not restricted to those individuals. Many empirical studies and reports suggest that about 58% of young women (aged 18–30 years) with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) may be at high risk of developing eating disorders. Binge disorder is more common in females than in males. It seems that BED is more common in subjects seeking weight loss treatment. Studies show that bed is associated with an increased risk of hypertension and fibromyalgia; though the ultimate cause of BED is not known yet. The present review aims to present the comparison between people with Type 1 DM and Type II DM suffering from BED. The review also summarizes the etiology existing behind the BED problem along with the various strategies to cure BED.

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