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Status of Dengue in Different Regions of Southern Bengal

Chand Pearl H., Satpathi Partha S, Jaiswal Abhishek, Jana Biswajit, Pati Pragati, Mandal Arpan


Introduction: Dengue is an endemic disease affecting various parts of the world, including India. At present, it isone of the major global health problems that need an immediate attention. The aim of our study was to determine the sero-prevalance and clinic-epidemiological data of dengue in few districts of Southern Bengal.Methodology: A total of 11,846 cases of either sex or age groups were included, followed by a detailed clinical and physical examination. Dengue Ns1 antigen and IgM antibody Elisa tests were performed as per the days of fever. Results so obtained were entered in separate proforma and later tabulated for statistical analysis. Chi square and Pearson’s coefficient (p<0.05) were used.Results: The estimated prevalence rate of dengue was 11.47% affecting maximum of the male individuals of age group 21–30 years. Patients from rural areas were affected more and fever was found as the commonest symptom. Highly significant (p<0.05) association was noted between thrombocytopenia and dengue patients.

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