Identification of Classroom Behaviors among the School going Children with a view to Develop a Guideline on Management of Indiscipline Behaviors
Context: Disruptive classroom behavior leads to loss of curriculum time and creates a classroom environment that is not conducive to learning. Teachers face immense problem in dealing with such issues and are in constant dilemma on how to tackle the behavior of students in classroom. Aim: The present study was conducted to identify the classroom behaviors of school going children’s and to develop a standard guideline on management of indiscipline classroom behavior for teachers. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among 100 school going children studying in school of Kolkata, India during 2016. Participants were recruited via quota sampling technique. Data was collected using self-structured and validated tools consisting of Tool I- Socio-demographic information and Tool II-Checklist for classroom behavior. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 18. Results: On assessment, majority of the students acquired discipline behavior (51%) followed by indiscipline behavior (49%). Classroom behavior of the students were found to be significantly associated with the educational standard and number of siblings of the students at p<0.05 level of significance. In view of the results, a guideline was formulated and validated for the management of indiscipline behavior among students. Conclusion: Students were almost equally distributed among the two variants i.e. possessing discipline and indiscipline behavior which demands the need of developing a discipline guideline for teaching the students.
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