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Social and Livelihood Impact of COVID-19 on Children of Rajasthan

Raghu Maharishi, Sanjay Sharma


A Rapid Need Assessment (RNA) was undertaken to understand the change in the priorities of the marginalized population and how this pandemic has impacted the social and livelihood aspects of most marginalized and their rights. For this a longitudinal design was adopted with respondents sampled from Save the Children supported intervention areas with purposive sampling technique. Results suggests that 76% of the HHs was having limited cash, a little below two third of the households (64%) reported lack of job opportunities and nearly half of the households (51%) stated about having lack of sufficient food supplies. As high as 85 percent of the households had received essential commodities through PDS. Findings revealed ‘Loss of work/job/ income’ (79%) and ‘Discontinuation of Children’s Education’ (43%) as the two major changes that this pandemic has made at the community at large. Also, 15 percent of the households have stated that there is an adverse impact on health in the Covid times among the household members.


COVID-19, livelihood, loss of work, pandemic, adverse impact

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