Clinical Efficacy of Sharbat Toot Siyah in Waram-i-Halaq (Pharyngitis) NUM CODE-98
Sharbat Toot Siyah is an Unani pharmacopeialformulation frequently used for the treatment of Waram-i Halaq (pharyngitis). The objective of this clinical study was to evaluate its safety and efficacy in treatment of pharyngitis. Waram-i Halaq is an inflammatory conditionof pharyngeal mucous membrane caused by viral, bacterial and fungal infections; pollutants and chemical irritants. It may be infectious or non-infectious in origin.Although these may at times overlap; Waram-i Halaq is mainly provoked by Nazla-o-Zukām (coryza and catarrh), Waram al-Lawzatayn Rājī(recurrent tonsillitis), Hummā Qirmiziyya (scarlet fever), dusty atmosphere, foreign body impaction in the throat and Tasmmum al-Dam (toxemia). The study drug was Unani Pharmacopeial formulation in the syrup form, which was administrated orally to the participants 20 mL twice daily for 7 days. The study was started after getting approval from Institutional Ethics Committee of Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Patna. After signing of an unformed written consent, all selected subjects presenting the sign and symptoms of Warm-i-Halaq, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the study. The efficacy parameters includedhoarseness of voice, dry cough, dysphagia, pharyngeal erythema, throat pain and irritation which were assessed on baseline and after the treatment. The statistical analysis yielded highly significant result (pvalue <0.05. No adverse eventwas observed during the course of the trial. The study inferred that Sharbat Toot Siyah is effective and safe in the treatment of Waram-i-Halaq.
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