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A Pre-Experimental Study to Determine the Efficacy of a Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge and Practices Regarding Bag Technique Among Nursing Students at Rayat Bahra College of Nursing, District Mohali, Punjab

Sainpriya ., Navjot Kaur, Vijayata .


The nursing bag is a vital tool for public health and community health nurses. The public health bag is an essential and the bag contains the fundamental content for a home visit. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge and practices regarding bag technique among nursing students. A Quantitative approach, pre-experimental one group pre-test, post-test research design was adopted to conduct the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 100 samples to assess the knowledge and practices. Structured Teaching Program was given after pre-test through lecture-cum-discussion with the use of charts, flash cards, pamphlets and blackboard. On the same day, post-test was conducted using the same knowledge and effectiveness tool. Data analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study showed that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge score and practice score of subjects. Findings revealed that in the group, the post-test mean knowledge score (13.76+ 2.48) was higher than pre-test mean knowledge score (7.89 + 2.01) and the calculated t value was (15.071). The research hypothesis was accepted. However, the mean practice scores increased from (6.98 + 2.26) in Pre-test to (11.45 + 2.20) in Post-test marking a significant difference as t-value (15.071) was found significant at 0.01 level. The result of intervention proved that Post-test Practice score of nursing students was good as compared to Pre-test Practice score. There was significant effect of structured teaching program on the knowledge and practices score among nursing students regarding bag technique. This revealed that the structured teaching program was effective in improving the knowledge of Bag technique. There was significant association between pre-test knowledge score with socio demographic variables like class. all other demographic variables were found non-significant.


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