Menopausal Transition and Non Pharmacological Approach
With increased life expectancy, today women spend more than one third of their life after menopause. So, it is necessary to pay more attention towards perimenopausal and post menopausal phase. Although hormone replacement therapy is the most effective treatment in menopause but it has some merits and demerits. Today’s need is to find out new options to deal with menopausal problems non pharmacologically. Each and every woman faces one or more, same or different problems during menopause and start searching for different ways to minimize the menopausal discomfort so as to improve quality of life after menopause. Majority of menopausal women perceive alternative and complementary therapies to be safer and more natural alternatives rather than using traditional hormonal replacement therapies in the management of menopause.
Keywords: Menopause, Non Pharmacological Approach
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