Magnitude of Substances Use and Associated Factors among Aksum University Students, North Ethiopia: Challenges of Future Generation
Background: Students of higher educational institution are at higher risk of substance abuse. Thus, this study was aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of substance use among undergraduate students in Aksum University. Methods: Institution based quantitative cross sectional study design was conducted among Aksum university regular students in April 2015. A sample of 853 students was selected by using multistage sampling technique. The data were collected by using pre-tested anonymous self-administered questionnaire and the collected data was entered into EPI-INFO version 6.02 then exported to and analysed using SPSS computer software package version 20. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done to determine factors affecting Psycho-active substances use at p- value of 0.05. Result: The magnitude of substance use among University students was found to be 389 (47.9%). The current use of cigarette smoking, khat chewing and use of alcohol was 9.1%, 15.4%, and 41.9% respectively. Factors significantly associated with khat chewing were: religion, family member, peer friends chewed khat, cigarette smoking, and use of alcohol. Variables that have significantly association with alcohol use were: orthodox religion, chewed khat, cigarette smoking and peer friends use of alcohol. Chewed khat, male sex, alcohol use and shisha use were found to be significantly associated with cigarette smoking. Conclusion: The prevalence of proactive substance use among university students was high. Universities and other stakeholders should invest their potentials to University students, about the health and social problems associated with substance use.
Keywords: Substance use, university students, Ethiopia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjohp.v7i1.845
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