Effectiveness of Changing Catheter in Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection
The present study is to compare the effect of routine catheter care and changing urinary catheter in urinary tract infection. The literature about routine catheter care and changing catheter both were reviewed. The focus of the study is catheter variables and reflects the empirical aspect of concept being studied. In this study the independent variable is routine catheter care Vs changing urinary catheter and the dependent variable is urinary tract infection. The study also consists of extraneous variables like age, gender, day of catheterization, diagnosis, surgery done (if any), H/O Antibiotics, catheterization done and type of intervention. This study involves clinical observation checklist and urine culture for assessment of effectiveness of both the methods. Two group comparative designs were adopted for the study. The samples were selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique.30 samples were selected for the study from the ICU, Surgery, Medicine, HDU wards, out of which 15 samples were selected for routine catheter care group and 15 for changing catheter group. The tool consisted of three sections. Section I included demographic data such as extraneous variables like age, gender, day of catheterization, diagnosis, surgery done (if any), H/O Antibiotics, catheterization done and type of intervention. Section II consisted of the clinical observation check list with microscopic examination on 6th and 12th day and Section III consisted of urine culture on 12th day. The patients who met the inclusion criteria were observed for the urinary tract infection, Alternate samples were chosen for two types of methods and urine culture were obtained for assessment of effectiveness of both methods. The gathered data was analyzed statistically by independent ‘t’ test. The result shows that there is no significant difference between the two methods in preventing urinary tract infection. But it is evident that all 29 samples out of 30 samples in both the experimental groups were prone to infection which was assessed through observation checklist.
Keywords: catheter, UTI, CAUTI, antibiotics, t test, p value
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Hemant Gupta. Effectiveness of changing catheter on prevention of urinary tract infection. Research and Reviews: Journal of Health Professions. 2015; 5(3): 19–24p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjohp.v5i3.881
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