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Benefits of Human Milk Bank

Deepika Kapoor, Sanjiv Kalia, Ankit Kalia


Human milk bank involves in some processes like collection, screening, storing and distribution of donated human milk. Thus human milk bank (HMB) provides a vital lifesaving and growth stimulant of golden food to those infants who cannot take their mother’s feed either because of pre-mature delivery. In this the largest groups of recipients mothers are those whose infants are pre-mature or under-weight and are not able to suck the milk from their mother’s breast. Donor mothers are carefully selected and also screened for HIV-1, HIV-2, human T-cell leukemia virus 1 and 2, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis. However the beneficial effects of donor milk remain significant and donor milk is still highly preferable in comparison to formula.

Keywords: Human Milk, Human Milk Bank, HIV-1, HIV-2, HEPATITIS-B & C, Screening

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Deepika Kapoor, Sanjiv Kalia, Ankit Kalia. Benefits of Human Milk Bank. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Immunology. 2020; 10(2): 1–5p.

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