COVID-19: Impact on Human Health
Researchers are on the cutting edge of devising the best strategy to combat the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by studying and exploring the pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment as the world continues to be plagued by an increasing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. The primary method for detecting the virus is via antigen testing and more accurate molecular tests such as rt PCR using patient samples. The most prevalent treatments for COVID-19 infection include steroidal drugs, monoclonal antibodies therapy, and remdesivir, an anti-viral drug. Despite the fact that these medicines exist and are widely utilised in hospitals all over the world, professionals frequently question their efficacy and usefulness in patients. Furthermore, most targeted therapeutics aim is to disrupt or reduce the interaction of SARS COV-2 spike protein and host cell receptors. In addition to treatment, the most effective technique of stopping the spread of COVID-19 is the development and use of various vaccines candidates which are showing promising results in preventing severe symptoms of the virus. Therefore, more research on COVID-19 pathophysiology, clinical implications, identification (different mutants), diagnosis, and treatment is required, which will help the world to overcome this pandemic.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjoi.v12i1.2796
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