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Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding breast cancer among women in selected Kudumbasree units in Pathanamthitta district



Globally cancer is a major public health problem, one out of ten deaths occurs due to cancer. Cancer is the multiplication of the cells. Breast cancer is the cancer that forms in the cells of the breast8. Breast cancer can occur in women and rarely in men. Among women breast cancer is the second most common cancer1. In 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 6,85,000 deaths globally3. One in twenty eight Indian women is likely to develop breast cancer during her lifetime. It is more (1 in 22) for urban women than the rural group 5(1 in 60).The current study aimed to assess the existing level of knowledge regarding breast cancer among women in selected kudumbasree units in Pathanamthitta district,  evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding breast cancer among women in selected kudumbasree units in Pathanamthitta district and find out the association between the existing level of knowledge regarding breast cancer among women with the selected demographic variables. The research design adopted was pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. The study was conducted in selected kudumbasree unit in Pathanamthitta district. By using purposive sampling technique, 30 women who have met the inclusion criteria were selected as sample. Data were collected by structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the existing level of knowledge of women regarding breast cancer followed by administration of structured teaching programme. After 5 days post-test was conducted by using same knowledge questionnaire. The present study revealed that ‘t’ value was significant. Among the samples mean post-test score on knowledge regarding breast cancer among women (26.26) was more than that of mean pre-test scores (9.96). This implies that the knowledge level has improved after the administration of structured teaching programme. CONCLUSION The finding of the study revealed that, administration of structured teaching programme regarding breast cancer helped to improve the level of knowledge among women


Assess knowledge, Effectiveness, Structured teaching programme, Knowledge regarding breast cancer and women

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