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A Prospective Study on Role of Doctor of Pharmacy in Creating Awareness on HPV Vaccination for Prevention of Cervical Cancer among Women Patients of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

M. Manasa Rekha


Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the virus mainly responsible for the cause of cervical cancer, genital warts and throat cancers in women. It is transmitted through skin to skin contact sexually, and also through oro-genital sexual contact with infected ones. Aim: The present study aims to assess the role of doctor of pharmacy in creating awareness on HPV vaccination for prevention of cervical cancer among women patients’ patient counselling. The main objective of the present study is to create awareness on HPV vaccination on prevention of cervical cancer among women. Study Design: It is an observational and prospective study. Study Period: The present study was conducted for a period of 4 months from January 1st 2018 to 1st May2018. Study site: Obstetrics and Gynaecology department RIMS, Y.S.R Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India. Results and Discussion: In the present study, out of total, 1813 women were enrolled to participate in the present study with age wise distribution as follows: 10–20=347(19.1395%), 20–30=526(29.0126%), 30–40=680(37.5068%), 40–50=260(14.3408%). And 527 out of 1813 patients were literates and their percentage is 29.0678; and 1286 out of 1813 Patients were illiterates and their percentage is 70.9321. After the collection of information by patient counselling, feedbacks forms were collected to analyze their awareness before and after counselling and statistical analysis was done by using prism graph pad software and P-Value is </=0.001 which states that the present study is highly significant. Conclusion: The present study concludes that doctor of pharmacy plays a key role in creating awareness on HPV vaccination and prevention of cervical cancer.


Keywords: HPV vaccination, cervical cancer, doctor of pharmacy, obstetrics and gynecology

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Manasa Rekha M. A Prospective Study on Role of Doctor of Pharmacy in Creating Awareness on Hpv Vaccination for Prevention of Cervical Cancer among Women Patients of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Immunology. 2018; 8(2): 1–4p

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