Attitude of Parents Towards their Children with Mentally Retardation—A Review Article
Mental retardation has been a social stigma and it is indicative of the illiteracy and lack of scientific knowledge among the individuals in the society. A great emotional flexibility and emotional stability is required for raising a child with mental retardation. According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) report, around 3% of the general population suffers with mental retardation. Existing studies reveal that very often the parents as well as relatives have a negative attitude towards their mentally challenged children. People are often plagued with feelings of hostility, shame, guilt, grief, withdrawal, rejection etc. The current review of the studies shows that there is a varying attitude among the family caregivers of mentally challenged children. A number of ways which are effective in changing the attitude of the parents towards their mentally challenged children is discussed in this review.
Keywords: mental retardation, mentally challenged, attitude, parents
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Vijayarani M, Balamurugan G. Attitude of Parents Towards their Children with Mentally Retardation—A Review Article. Research & Reviews: Journal of Medicine. 2019; 9(2): 10–14p.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjom.v9i2.1642
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