A Clinical Study based Observation on Prevalence of Altered Liver Enzymes among Patients of Hepatobiliary Diseases Attending National Institute of Unani Medicine, India
Background: Hepatobiliary disease is a major health problem responsible for millions of deaths annually. As reported, more than 40 million deaths occur annually in South-East Asia Region due to hepatobiliary diseases. This study was conducted as a clinical trial to assess the efficacy of Unani formulation, from which the data on prevalence of altered liver enzymes among patients of hepatobiliary diseases in which the study participants were collected and compiled to generate data for future epidemiological studies. Methods: As part of single-centred clinical trial, prevalence study was conducted over a period of 12 months in patients of hepatobiliary diseases. A total of 190 patients between the age group of 20 and 60 years, both genders, having raised Serum Liver Transaminases (AST, ALT, Alkaline phosphatase), raised Serum Bilirubin level from the Hepatobiliary OPD, IPD and radiological unit of National Institute of Unani Medicine Hospital, Bangalore were selected. Results: This study revealed that hepatobiliary diseases is more prevalent among the middle aged individuals, belonging to middle class, occupationally engaged housewives, slightly higher in males, higher in married people, higher in mixed diet people and highest among Safrawimizaj (temperamentally Bilious) people. Conclusion: The prevalent morbidities in patients of hepatobiliary diseases were Viral Hepatitis, ALD, NAFLD, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Regular exercise, controlling weight and eating healthy diet will help in lowering the risk for developing liver disorders. So, health education should be provided to the patients to adopt certain lifestyle changes that can be beneficial to limit the progress of the disease.
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