A Review on Treating and Managing Hypertension in Pregnancy
Hypertension refers to increased arterial blood pressure. Studies show that disorders (pre-existing and gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia) due to hypertension are major cause of morbidity and mortality during pregnancy. During centuries we still do not have any specific treatment for hypertension in pregnancy. Hypertension during pregnancy occurs in about 6–8% of women. It is necessary to choose the optimal time and optimal therapy for hypertensive pregnancy disorders. Complication can be divided into maternal and fetal types. Maternal complications include haemorrhage stroke, pulmonary edema, retinopathy etc. Fetal complications include preterm delivery, intrauterine fetal demise etc. These disorders can be diagnosed by urine protein assessment, RFT, CBC with platelet count, chest radiograph, head imaging, abdominal imaging etc. The objective of treatment is to forestall critical cerebrovascular and cardiovascular occasions in the mother, without trading off fetal prosperity. The aim of present review is to report the management of pregnancy induced hypertension and methods of diagnosis for Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. The review also emphasizes on pathophysiology of hypertension.
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