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Kapikachhu-A Potential Herb for Hyperprolactinemia

Sneha Mittal, Sunita D. Ram


Kapikachhu is a tropical legume, commonly known as kevanch or kaunch in hindi. It is a famous vrishya herb mentioned in ayurveda classics right from samhitaperiod.Its seed are more commonly used as an anti-Parkinson drug as it contains high amount of L-Dopa(precursor of dopamine). Prolactin hormone is secreted from anterior pitiutary, its secretion is inhibited by dopamine secreted from hypothalamus. the major symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in females are due to decreased oestrogen level. It may work by various ways to allievate the symptoms as well as maintain the normal prolactin level.


Prolactin, Oestrogen, L-dopa, Kapikachhu, Hyperprolactinemia, Hormone

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