Assessment of Reactive state of muscles by inducing fatigue in bilious and phlegmatic temperament individuals
Introduction:- Unani Medicine is a science, which teaches us how to maintain natural harmony within the body to attain health and happiness. Temperament is very important concept of Unani medicine on which whole medicine relies.
Aims and Objective:- This research paper have following Aims and Objectives;
- To find out whether there exist any correlation between reactive state of muscle and temperament in persons of different temperament.
- To validate the correlation between reactive state of muscle by inducing fatigue through exercise in two different temperaments (Bilious and Phlegmatic).
- To establish the reactive state of muscles as a definite parameter for determination of two different temperaments
Material and Methods:- Three Performa (consent form, health assessment proforma and standard temperament assessment pro forma) were asked to fill to evaluate the age, sex, height, weight, and kind of temperament and health status of individuals. To assess the reactive state of muscle Baseline Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer was used before and after exercise to find out the variation of muscle fatigue in two different temperaments. Muscle fatigue was developed in forearm and hand through hand grip exerciser for fixed duration of 1 minute. The collected raw data of muscle strength before exercise and after exercise was imported to excel software to make categories of reactive state of muscle parameter in bilious and phlegmatic temperament to find out the result with the help of G-pad software.
Results:- The present study reveals that the result of comparison between bilious and phlegmatic temperament individuals before exercise is not quite significant but comparison between bilious and phlegmatic temperament individuals after exercise is highly significant.
Conclusion:- This study was carried out on 100 healthy volunteers at Advance Instrumentation Lab, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The data was compared and statistically analyzed by using ‘unpaired t-Test’.
The present study reveals that comparison between bilious and phlegmatic temperament individuals after exercise is highly significant.
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