Menstrual Hygiene
Menstruation is also properly called menses, catamania and more commonly a period of monthly flow. Menstruation is not an illness, but an expected and necessary part of healthy mature female adolescent. It may at times be inconvenient and troublesome, but it is the way all normal female function. The objective of the study was to assess the awareness and knowledge among adolescent girls regarding menstruation hygiene before and after administration of planned teaching programme and to find out the association between pretest knowledge and practice score with demographic variables. The target sample for the study was 30 adolescent girls of selected rural areas of Jabalpur city, Madhya Pradesh, India. In the present study researcher compared the pretest and posttest knowledge score and determined the association between demographic variables and knowledge score regarding preventive aspects of menstrual hygiene among girls of selected rural areas of Jabalpur, India. This study was based on quasi research approach. The researcher used one group pretest posttest research design. Nonprobability convenient sampling technique and structured questionnaire were used for the study. In conclusion, the present study suggested that menstruation unhygienic conditions can be prevented among the adolescent girls if they have adequate knowledge regarding the menstruation hygiene used while caring the adolescent girls as well as knowledge regarding the prevalence of menstruation hygienic among them to enhance preventive aspect of menstruation hygiene.
Keywords: menstruation, hygiene, catamania, adolescent girls
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Lendhe MS. Menstrual Hygiene. Research & Reviews: Journal of Medicine. 2018; 8(2): 23–30p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjom.v8i2.408
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