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High Doses Biotin beyond Its Nutraceutical Prescription: Update Indications for Neurological Diseases

Marwan S.M. Al-Nimer


Biotin or vitamin H is ubiquitous B-complex vitamin that plays as a co-factor in different metabolic process in the body. The usual recommended daily requirement is 30µg. Recent studies found biotin in high doses involved in the synthesis of myelin in patients with multiple sclerosis.  The Med Day Pharmaceuticals launched an oral formulation of biotin high dose (Cerenday 100 mg capsule) and recommended for multiple sclerosis. Previous studies demonstrated the effectiveness of biotin in other neurological diseases that suggesting biotin exerts pleotropic effects. Therefore, it is worth trying to highlight the importance of using this nutrient for neurological diseases as the safety testing did not explore any harmful effect of biotin.

Keywords: Biotin, progressive multiple sclerosis, pleotropic effect

Cite this Article
Marwan S.M. Al-Nimer. High doses
biotin beyond its nutraceutical
prescription: update indications for
neurological diseases. Research &
Reviews: Journal of Medicine. 2017;
7(2): 13–20p.


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