Background: According to annual global Tuberculosis report 2015 published by WHO; globally, Tuberculosis prevalence in 2015 was 42% lower than in 1990. India (23%), Indonesia (10%), China (10%) had the largest number of cases of the global total respectively India accounts for 27% of global Tuberculosis notification in 2014. At any given point of time, there are 4 million infectious cases in India. Tuberculoses is silently killing approximately more than 5 lakhs people every year, more than 1000 every day and more than 2 people every
3 minutes. Objectives: To assess knowledge regarding Prevention and anagement of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Nursing Students and to find out the association of level of knowledge with selected variables. The hypothesis of the study was there will be a significant association of Knowledge score with Selected Demographic Variables at 0.05 levels of significance. Methods: Non experimental approach, descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge on prevention and management of pulmonary Tuberculosis among 50 nursing students. Convenience sampling was used and the data was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire by self report method. Results: Overall mean knowledge score of the nursing students was 21.73. Only 4.5 percentages of students had very good, 25% had good, 55% had average and 15.5% of students had below average level of knowledge. There was an association of level of knowledge with age, gender and source of information.
Keywords: Prevention, management and pulmonary TB
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Bindu, Sembian N, Rajan Kumar et al.
Knowledge on Prevention and
Management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
(TB) Among Nursing Students.
Research & Reviews: Journal of
Medicine. 2017; 7(2): 21–25p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjom.v7i2.56
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