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Effect of total-etch and self-etch adhesives on postoperative sensitivity in occlusal cavities restored with composite resin – An Invivo Study

V.S. Sashikanth, Dr. Amit Chhaparwal, Dr K Hari Krishna, Dr Rajsekhar Vemareddy, Dr. Lenin BabThotau., Dr. Narendranatha Reddy P


Aims and objectives: Comparison of POS with composite restorations in class I cavities placed using different adhesive systems.
Methodology: This invivo study was conducted in Sri Siddhartha dental college, A total of 90 participants with class I cavities with a depth of 2-3 mm in posterior teeth were taken. The patients were selected based on consecutive sampling of 30 each. Group I- Prime and Bond NT - (Dentsply) – Total-Etch, Group II- Xeno III (Dentsply) – Two component Self-Etch and Group III-Xeno V (Dentsply) – Single component Self-Etch. Sensitivity was evaluated just before cavity preparation using modified visual analog scale (VAS) and response time to cold stimulus (ice) and air spray. Similarly, POS were assessed immediately after restoration, at seven days and thirty days intervals.
Results: Data was analysed by Wilcoxon’s signed rank test, Kruskal Wallis Anova, Mann – Whitney test and Post – hoc Tukey’s test by using SPSS version 16.
Conclusion: POS was present with total etch adhesives were as self-etch adhesives showed least sensitivity


Two component adhesive, single component adhesive, Three component adhesives, Bonding agents, POS, Composites

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