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Antibacterial Potentiality of SourSop Leaf and Fruit Extract: A Review

Chanchal Vishwakarma, Suman Trivedi, Shivam Chourasiya, Alibha Rawat, N. Ganesh


SourSop is scientifically known as Annona muricata Linnaeus, which is a highly potent plant with a wide range of activities especially against cancer. The plant has many health benefits and all its parts have been utilized for treating various diseases. It is also used popularly to make various food items like ice creams and beverages. Lately, it has been explored for its antibacterial and anticancer properties by researchers worldwide. The phytochemicals present in the plant have equipped the plant with various activities like: antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, and so forth. The present review focuses on summarizing various pharmacological studies conducted to extract bioactive compounds from the plant using different extraction methods. The bioactive compounds present demonstrate the ability to combat bacterial strains belonging to both Gram-negative and Gram-positive categories. The review provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse pharmacological investigations conducted, shedding light on the extraction methods employed to harness the bioactive properties of the plant for potential therapeutic applications.


Annona muricata, antibacterial activity, extraction, SourSop, bio-active compounds, Gram- negative bacteria, and Garm-positive bacteria

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