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A Study to Assess the Behavioural Problems of Children Among Mothers Living in Nuclear and Joint Families in Selected Areas, Sri Ganganagar

Shakti Singh Soni


Background of the Study: The nuclear family, rather than the extended family, is more common in the developing world. Other families are frequently thousands of miles distant, and their economic links are shaky at best. In this case, the family is more of a consuming unit than a development unit, with parenting being the "single largest predictor involved in childhood sickness and deaths, underage pregnancy and drug dependence, truancy, school disturbance and under-achievement, infant neglect, unemployment, adolescent crime, and mental disorder," according to the report. Methods: The Research design of present study was descriptive comparative design. Sample of study consisted of 120 mothers. The study participants were selected by purposive sampling. The tool used for the collection of data is structured knowledge questionnaire. Results: The overall comparison of Nuclear and joint family mothers knowledge scores on behavioral problems shows that the mean score of nuclear family participants (107.102) with a standard deviation of 6.32 is found high when compared to the mean score of the joint family participants(96.24) with a standard deviation of 3.23. Hence ‘t’ value 12.83 is significant at 5% level. Conclusion: The study concluded that the mothers are having knowledge regarding behavioral disorder. There was significant association between knowledge regarding reactive attachment disorder and the demographic variable that is area of residence of working mothers.


Mothers, Joint family, Nuclear Family, Behavioral problems

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