Qualitative assessment of the psychological and emotional responses of COVID-19 patients and the stigma they feel and face from the society prior and post math of their recovery: A preliminary study.
From the very beginning of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, there has been an enormous and everlasting uncertainty among the people about how things will get back on track. This uncertainty along with the other contagious pandemic protocols like social distancing, quarantine, lockdown, job loss, financial crisis, stress, career anxieties, eviction from rooms and apartments and social stigma to the patients have contributed enormously the psychological pressures. This study aimed at estimating and evaluating the psychological issues the patients face during this period. Of the total number of participants (n=30) in this study, the most dominant mental state and psychological conditions were fear of death, isolation from the society, concern of the family in the early stages followed by a mixed state of positive and negative emotions. Also, the indications of the secondary effects of psychological pressures like anxiety, anxiousness, depression, anger, boredom, low mood, mood swings and frustrations were predicted. The positive findings were the patients’ attitude of cherishing life, feeling of gratitude and value of relations. The study also highlights the importance of the mental health professionals for their contribution to the society (both to the health care workers and the patients) and urges them to come forward and contribute their vital roles.
Key words: SARS-COV-2, pandemic, India, psychological concerns, social stigma.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjon.v12i3.3032
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