Correlation of Ki-67 Score with Nottingham Histological Grading in Carcinoma Breast: A Single Institution Experience
Though it is reasonably well established that Ki-67 positivity is an independent predictor of ultimate prognosis and course of carcinoma breast and its recurrence, many lacunae exist. Ki -67 score correlation with histological grading will establish importance of nuclear antigen Ki-67 as prognostic factor in Indian population. This study was aimed to assess histological grading of breast carcinoma by Nottingham Grading System (Modified Scarff- Bloom- Richardson system) and to correlate the histological grading with Ki-67 score. The study was carried out in Department of pathology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. A part retrospective and part prospective study was done on a total of 59 cases of carcinoma breast. 59 representative paraffin blocks of Modified Radical Mastectomy, lumpectomy or biopsies of carcinoma breast were included for the study. All stained slides were reviewed and the morphological diagnosis based on H & E staining was considered as a gold standard to be compared with Ki-67 staining. For Ki-67 immounohistochemistry, representative sections from paraffin blocks were taken on poly- L- lysine coated glass slides. T- test was applied to find significance of correlation between Ki-67 and tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic count. ANOVA test was used to find the significance of correlation between Ki-67 and histological Grade. Results showed statistically significant correlation between Ki-67 score and Nottingham Histological Grade.
Keywords: Nottingham grading, Tubule formation, Mitotic count, Nuclear pleomorphism
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Garima Verma, Vijay Verma, Vibha Rani Pipal et al. Correlation of Ki-67 Score with Nottingham Histological Grading in Carcinoma Breast: A Single Institution Experience. Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology & Hematology. 2017; 6(1): 1–5p.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/rrjooh.v6i1.1395
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