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Multiple Intestinal and Mesentrical Lymphangiomas in a 16-year-old Male: A Case Report

Garima verma, Taruna Choudhary, Purnima Baheti, Ramesh Purohit, Vijay Verma


Lymphangiomas are rare benign tumor of lymphatic vasculature. These usually occur in skin and soft tissues ofhead, neck and axillary region. Very rarely these affect gastrointestinal tract. Here, we present a case of lymphangiomatos is in a 16 year old male who was presented with acute abdomen. Exploratory laparo to my done and multi-lobulated mass in the intestinal wall and mesentry found. Segment of ileum, caecum and part of colon was resected and ileo ascending anastomos is done. The tissue specimen was sent for histopathological examination. Microscopic picture was consistent with multiple lymphangiomas involving the intestine and mesentry which should be considered the cause of acute abdomen in this case. The optimal treatment is radical intestinal resection since incomplete resection may lead to recurrence.


Keywords: Lymphangiomas, honey comb, hygroma

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Garima Verma, Taruna Choudhary, Purnima Baheti et al. Multiple Intestinal and Mesentrical Lymphangiomas in a 16-year-old Male: A Case Report. Research & Reviews: Journal of Oncology and Hematology. 2016; 5(3): 41–44p.

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