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Biochemical analysis of unani formulation UNIM 104 in cases of Fatty Liver

Priyanka Verma


Fatty liver is one of the most important problems of the world when people have started having fast food, aerated drinks, alcohol and sedentary life style. In this there is deposition of fat in the hepatocytes, There are many medications available in the market for treating fatty liver, here in this study safety of unani pharmacopeial formulations UNIM 104 in patients of fatty liver was studied. For this blood samples were collected from fatty liver cases, they were subjected to biochemical analysis. Biochemical analysis show increase as well as decrease in their values, which are in normal range, this show that the unani formulation UNIM 104 is safe for consumption and free from toxic effects, so it can be used as a alternate medicine for treating fatty liver.


Fatty liver, UNIM 104, LFT, KFT, Fat deposition

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