Treatment of open comminuted fracture of the cruris and infectious nonunion by ablating focuses and prolonging bones
The crural fracture occupies widely accompanying by trauma and if the bone should be occupied traumatic osteomyelitis, the treatment is very difficult. In general, because inflammatory disappear and the wound closed, when the therapy of facture take place, so the day of treatment is delaying and occupying ununion of bone by secondary infection. The objective of this study was to evaluate the method of ablating focuses and prolonging bones in open comminuted fracture of the cruris and infectious nonunion patients using external fixator. Most of patients admitted to the University Hospital were 20~30 years old, males and period of progress of post trauma and region of injury were different. We performed the operation of 21 patients and this study shows that results are the better. We could shorten the period of treatment and provent complication and sequela by using invented and produced external fixator because of performing focus ablating and prolonging operation simultaneously.
Keywords: Ablating focuses, External fixator, Nonunion, Open comminuted fracture of cruris, Prolonging bone
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O Jong-Hyon, Ri Yong-Hui, Ryang Gi-Hyon, Paek Chol-Hyok. Treatment of Open Comminuted Fracture of the Cruris and Infectious Nonunion by Ablating Focuses and Prolonging Bones. Research & Reviews: Journal of Surgery. 2020; 9(1): 21–24p.
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