Modified Widman flap surgery for treatment of the periodontal pockets- A case report
Periodontitis, a condition that affects numerous individuals, can be treated using various methods, including non-surgical, antibacterial, and surgical therapies. In this case report, we present the treatment of chronic periodontitis in a patient through a modified Widman flap procedure.
The modified Widman flap (MWF) is a commonly employed surgical technique that is both conservative and effective. It involves the removal of inflamed gum tissue, facilitating better visibility and cleaning of the tooth roots. This procedure is categorized as an "access flap operation" as its primary goal is to improve accessibility during the treatment. Unlike other surgical approaches, the modified Widman flap does not seek to completely eliminate the pocket wall; instead, it focuses on providing access to the affected periodontal tissues. The objective is to minimize the loss of periodontal tissue before and after the procedure while reducing the depth of periodontal pockets.
In this specific case report, the pocket depth was reduced, and attachment increased as a result of the modified Widman flap procedure.
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